Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Meeting Times

One wouldn't necessarily think that committee meeting times could be political, but perhaps they can. Yesterday afternoon I attended a Housing Committee meeting (notes to follow.) The meeting was scheduled to start at 5:00 pm. This is, of course, the traditional time the work day ends for most white-collar workers in this country. That makes a 5:00 start time somewhat problematic for most of us who have jobs. (I work 7:30-4:30 so it's not as much of an issue for me.)

So, of the people who would attend these meetings, who could actually get to one by 5:00 pm? I can come up with a couple of answers:
  • People who don't have jobs
  • People whose job it is to attend the meetings
  • The self-employed
The first group would include both retired people and the unemployed. The second group essentially consists of people who don't live in Weinland Park, but work for government or non-profit agencies with an interest in the neighborhood. The term used for this group is 'stakeholders', as in, they have a stake in the community, yet aren't a part of it.

So, in essence, a 5:00 pm meeting time is almost designed to prevent the people who should be attending the meetings to be able to do so. Interesting.

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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

'Welcome to the Communications Committee'

I showed up, as is my wont, about ten minutes early. By 5:50, when it was clear that no one else was going to show up, I left. Afterward I received a couple of emails saying the metting had been canceled because so few people could show up.

Way to communicate!

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Communications Committee meeting!

I had planned to go to a meeting of the University Area Commission this evening, but just found out that the WPCCA Communications Committee is meeting also. I want to become more involved with that committee, so I'm going to go to it instead.

One of the things the WPCCA doesn't have is a website. Apparently we/they are unveiling one soon. I hope to get a chance to look at a draft tonight.

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Monday, May 3, 2010

After work

After work I stopped by Mad Mex in the Gateway and had a pint of Bell's Two Hearted while I sat on the patio and read. Some scenes:


My goals

  • My primary goal is for the Weinland Park Community Civic Association to run smoothly and to serve the residents of the neighborhood.
  • It is vitally important that all funds are spent appropriately and that transparency in spending is maintained.
  • Likewise, all the actions of the WPCCA and the Steering Committee should be transparent.
  • Public safety is a major objective. Weinland Park is a dangerous place to live.
  • Home ownership must be promoted, and the existing housing stock should be improved, not replaced by cheap, 'affordable' housing.


The Neighborhood Institute presents...

"Education in Place: Place, Race, and the Literacies of Urban Youth"

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Comrade secretary

Last week I was elected to a two-year term as the secretary of the Weinland Park Community Civic Association. So, for the next two years I'll be using this blog to account my experiences serving on the WPCCA board.

Stay tuned!...

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